Monday, April 28, 2014

1001 blog posts

I have written 1001 blog posts on Tech Transformation.  That seems like a huge number (enough to fill several books - I actually self published the first 2 years worth of blog posts as books, though have found it a daunting task to publish the last 2 years).  Today I have looked back at the 1001 posts to see what it is that I've been mostly writing about.  Here are the statistics:

  • 41% of posts have been about teaching and learning
  • 11% of posts have been about 21st century skills
  • The IB Curriculum accounts for 7% of posts, with an additional 8.3% about the PYP
  • Web 2.0 accounts for 6.6% of posts
  • School administration comes in at 4.6% of posts
  • 2.5% of posts are about R&D
Just like Sheherazade and her 1001 nights, I wrote my stories/blog posts to keep myself going during tough times, but at some point I fell in love with writing and with sharing and so wanted to continue it, even though my main purpose for writing disappeared.  Now I am part of a vibrant face to face community of educators - we can talk about all the things that I used to write about and only discuss with educators online.  However with half a million people reading my posts, it seemed sensible to continue to write.  1001 blog posts represents four and a half years of my life, four and a half years of moving from the darkness towards the light.

One of the stories in 1001 Nights is that of Prince Husain who has a magic carpet.  Sitting on the carpet and "willing in thought" allows the carpet to fly you in the twinkling of an eye to a place "nearhand or distant many a day's journey and difficult to reach."  This has been a magical carpet journey for me too. It has taken a lot of strength of thought and will, but I've travelled further than I ever thought I would and ended up in a school that is pure magic.

Photo Credit: Deemonita via Compfight cc

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