Friday, September 26, 2014

Deep -v- Shallow Learning

In the book Flipped Learning:  Gateway to Student Engagement there is a chapter by Carolyn Durley that contains a very interesting table about deep and shallow learning.  I'm going to reproduce the items that I think are most important in the PYP schools where I have worked, where students use inquiry to go deep into the concepts and where there is an emphasis on transdisciplinary skills and approaches to learning:

Shallow:  students are highly dependent on the teacher for specific instructions.
Deep:  Students are interdependent and work peer-to-peer as well as with the teacher.

Shallow:  Students dislike trying new activities, as lack of success may negatively impact their grades.
Deep:  Students see value in taking risks in their learning, are able to learn from their mistakes, and reflect and take appropriate action.

Shallow:  Students focus on strategies to acquire grades.
Deep:  Students focus on strategies and habits to improve their learing.

Shallow:  Students are passive and compliant.
Deep:  Students are active and engaged.

Shallow:  Students find it difficult to explain or find connections between topics or units.
Deep:  Students can explain connections between units and explain how topics relate to the big picture of the course.

Shallow:  Students view evidence for learning as a grade or mark.
Deep:  Students view learning as an ongoing process.

Shallow:  Students see topics as lists of facts to be memorized and quickly forgotten.
Deep:  Students can relate topics to the bigger picture of the topic and explain why and how it relates.

Photo Credit: Hani Amir via Compfight cc

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